You want to burn fat and lose weight. You want a nice tight and toned stomach. You want to get rid of that not so nice and not very attractive belly that now hangs over your belt. If you have what it takes this exercise routine will have you lean and shredded in no time flat. Just follow this program and you will be more than happy with the results.
This is an intense program so make sure you first check with your Doctor to make sure you are healthy enough to do this program.
The following routine should be performed three days a week on nonconsecutive days. The rest of the week you should not perform any other intense exercise schedules as this routine should totally wipe you out and you will need the other days of the week to rest, regenerate and burn fat.
OK here is the routine:
25 dumbbell swings with the left arm
25 dumbbell swings with the right arm
Rest one minute
50 body weight squats
20 dumbbell snatches with the left arm
20 dumbbell snatches with the right arm
Rest one minute
50 body weight squats
15 dumbbell swings with the left arm
15 dumbbell swings with the right arm
Rest one minute
50 body weight squats
10 dumbbell snatches with the left arm
10 dumbbell snatches with the right arm
Rest one minute
50 body weight squats
5 dumbbell swings with the left arm
5 dumbbell swings with the right arm
Cool down and walk for ten minutes
Now for the other days of the week just rest. Do not perform any intense exercise programs.
For diet make sure you eat lean meat, chicken and fish, lots of vegetables and three pieces of fruit. Actually the more vegetables you eat the skinnier you will be. Give it a try.
Sleep at least 8 hours every night. If you do not get enough sleep your body will not burn fat and lose weight efficiently.